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OpenCart - Open Source PHP Shopping Cart System
OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost.
OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface. It is not as pretty as Magento, but it is still a very good alternative of paid shopping cart system. Now, log on to the administration section to see how the back-end works with Username: demo / Password: demo.
Visit the live demonstration site to get a feel for how OpenCart works. This is simple template populated with some sample products and cateogries.
Requirements: Apache, PHP 5+ and MySQLSursa
(Username: demo / Password: demo)
License: GPL License
Instalare OpenCart
Pentru a instala acest cms ai nevoie de un ftp cu destul spatiu, si de o baza de date MySQL.
Urmeaza pasii de mai jos pentru o instalare complecta si corecta.
1. Dupa ce ai toate fisierele scriptului (*scriptul il poti downloada de pe [/redir.php?]), intra pe [/redir.php?]
2. Dupa ce ai intrat pe install/index.php complectezi formularul de acolo astfel:
DB Server: localhost de obicei
Username: username-ul bazei de date
Password: parola bazei de date
Database: numele bazei de date
HTTP Server: [/redir.php?]
Directory: /home/cmshelp/public_html/demo/opencart/
Username: username-ul administratorului
Password: parola adinistratorului
Pentru a continua apasati pe butonul: "Continue"
3. Stergeti fisierul "install" de pe ftp.
Pentru a vedea demo-ul intra pe: [/redir.php?]
Admin username: Admin
Admin password: demo